Visitor Local & Winter Rules

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Local & Winter Rules

1. Out of Bounds
a) The public footpath running through the course and the bridge on the 1st hole are out of bounds including a ball lying on the 18th or 13th fairway side of the fence when playing the first hole. b) Beyond any hedge, fence or line of white posts defining the boundary of the course (inside fences on the 12th, 13th, 14th & 18th holes define the boundary of the course when playing that hole).
c) Beyond the line of white posts on the dam and/or next to the lake on the 1st hole.
d) In or over the stream running along the right hand side of the 2nd, 14th & 18th holes.
e) Beyond the line of white posts to the left of the 17th hole.
2. Obstructions
a) Movable obstructions rule 15.
b) Immovable rule 16 all fixed course furniture, constructed paths, sprinkler heads and all
staked or tagged (indicated by white tape) trees and bushes.
The fence on either side of the path when playing the 1st hole.
The old deer fence posts on the right hand side of the 12th hole.
If any immovable obstruction, on or within two club lengths of the putting green of the hole being played, intervenes on the line of play between the ball and the hole the player may obtain relief, without penalty, as follows – if the ball lies off the putting green but not in a penalty area it may be lifted, cleaned and dropped at the nearest point to where the ball lay which a) is not nearer the hole, b) avoids such intervention and c) is not in a penalty area or on a putting green.
3. Ground under repair
Play is prohibited from any area defined as GUR, as defined by its white painted perimeter
and relief must be taken under rule 16-1.
4. Penalty areas rule 17
All areas defined by yellow or red stakes. A ball coming to rest on a bridge or pathway across
a penalty area is in the penalty area.
5. Overhead wires and supports
A ball hitting any overhead wires or supports crossing the course must be replayed without penalty.
6. Measuring devices rule 4-3
For all play at this course a player may obtain distance information by using a distance- measuring device but cannot use a measuring device to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g. Elevation changes, wind speed, etc.)
7. Mobile phones
Mobile phones are acceptable on the golf course as long as used in accordance with the
rules of golf and for emergency purposes only.
8. Preferred lies
Check notice on first tee to see if preferred lies are in force.
9. Suspension of play rule 5-7b
A suspension of play for a dangerous situation will be signalled by one prolonged blast of the siren. All other suspensions will be signalled by three consecutive blasts of the siren.
In either case resumption of play will be signalled by two short blasts of the siren.
10. Relief from tractor marks
Relief make be taken from tractor marks as per rule 16-1.


Trentham Park Golf Club Adverse/Extreme Weather Conditions

These rules will apply when course conditions warrant them through out the year, always check before playing.

Preferred Lies
When a Player’s Ball lies in a part of the general area cut to fairway height or less, the player may take free relief once by placing the original ball or another ball and playing it from this relief area:-
• Reference Point: Spot of the original ball.
• Size of Relief Area Measured from the Reference Point: 6 inches from the reference point,
Limits on Location of Relief Area:
• Must not be nearer the hole than the reference point, and
• Must be in the general area.

In proceeding under this Local Rule, the player must choose a spot to place ball and use the procedures for replacing a ball under Rules 14.2b(2) and 14.2e.
Fairway Mats (similar to commercially available types only) – 2024 Season Starting 14th October continuing to a date to be decided by the club.
Fairway mats are compulsory when your ball lies in the General Area cut to fairway height or less.
When a player’s ball lies within the above limits in a part of the general area cut to fairway height or less and a putter is not being used for the stroke, the player must take free relief by lifting the original ball and placing the original ball or another ball on an artificial mat and play it from there. The mat must be placed on top of the spot where the ball came to rest. If a ball when placed rolls off the mat, the player must try to place it a second time. If the ball again does not stay on the mat, the mat must be moved to the nearest spot, not nearer the hole, where the ball will come to rest on the mat when placed. If the ball on the mat is accidentally moved before a stroke is made, there is no penalty and the ball must be placed again on the mat. If a tee is used to secure the mat into the ground, the ball must not be placed on the tee.
Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a

Relief in Bunkers
Except in Qualifying Competitions and when scoring a General Play card, if your ball is in a bunker you may without penalty mark your ball, lift and clean it, rake the bunker and place (not drop) the ball as near as possible to the position from which it was lifted. Please re-rake the bunker before moving on.

13th Hole Winter Tee.
To avoid confusion during the use of the winter Tee to the right of the track on the 13th Hole, the internal out of bounds does not apply. A shot not clearing the track should be played as it lies.

Areas Defined By Small White Posts With A Green Top

Any ball coming to rest near the Green & White posts which interferes with you intended swing, relief may be taken as per rule 15-2, i.e. full relief plus one club length. The posts should not be removed and are there to divert you around them.

Winter Wheels.
During the period of Adverse/Extreme Weather Conditions being in force, all battery-operated trolleys must be fitted with winter wheels or winter wheel adaptation kits. No battery operated trolly will be allowed on the course using smooth surfaced (summer) wheels. The Winter Rules restriction does not apply to standard pull/push trolleys.

General Care Of The Course
Temporary Greens – Compulsory Relief
Wen a player’s ball comes to rest on a temporary green, the player must mark the ball, lift and drop it within one club length of the nearest point of relief.
To help maintain the course in good condition during these adverse weather conditions and for your own safety:
Try to keep to paths where possible and avoid walking through muddy areas. Please keep buggies and trolleys away from steep slopes and wet grass.
Do noy take buggies and trolleys within 3 metres of a putting green. This generally means taking buggies and trolleys on the outside of bunkers rather than between bunker and the green
Consider if you can use a carry-bag rather than a trolley or buggy.